Stornoway Running and Athletics Club
Wacky Races series 2023-24
Wacky Race 1 – Thursday 26th October 2023
5k route in the Castle Grounds
Meet before 5.20pm in the Museum car park.
First Runner goes off to 5:30pm.
The route starts close to the Museum car park behind the Castle. The start line is just up from the Red Gate near the College entrance, before you reach the bottom of the Strawberry Hill path. When you reach the crossroads at the top of ‘Aldreds’ turn left towards Gallows Hill then continue along the main path to the River Creed. From there run all the way down to the mouth of the Creed and along the low road to the Golf Club. The finish line will be at the gate just before the Golf Club car park
All of the turnings in the route will be marked with big white flour arrows!
Wacky Race 2 – Thursday 30th November 2023
5k route – starting at Isles FM Car Park, Seaforth Road
Please be there by 5.20pm, plenty parking at the start line. first runner will be off at 5:30pm.
The course is three times anti-clockwise around the Seaforth Rd – Sandwick Rd – Island Rd – Seaview Terrace – Seaforth Rd loop. Starting and finishing in the cark park behind the Isles FM building. You must stay on the pavements at all times, apart from when you carefully cross Seaforth Road at the start and finish. Please also be careful crossing the junctions at Engies and on Island Road, be prepared to stop for cars.
All of the turnings in the route will be marked with big white flour arrows!
Wacky Race 3 – Saturday 16th December at 10.30am
Meet in the golf club car park by 10.15am, please avoid parking at the golf club so we don’t upset the golfers! First runner will be set off at 10.30. You have two routes to choose from. Please study the route, the main turns will be marked with flour arrows.
Wacky Race 5 – Thursday 25th January 2024
The race will start and finish on the Stornoway Running Track, please meet there by 5.20pm. First runner will be set off at 5.30pm.
The loop below in approx. 2.5km, everyone will do 2x this loop anti clockwise. There will be no marshalls on the route but the turns will be marked with flour arrows.
Wacky Race 5 – Thursday 29rd February 2024
The race will start and finish on Jamieson Drive, outside the Stornoway Primary School. Please meet there by 5.20pm. First runner will be set off at 5.30pm.
The loop below in approx. 1 mile, everyone will do 3x this loop clockwise. There will be no marshalls on the route but the turns will be marked with flour arrows.
Wacky Race 6 – Thursday 28th March 2024
5k route in the Castle Grounds
Meet before 5.20pm in the Museum car park.
First Runner goes off to 5:30pm.
The route starts close to the Museum car park behind the Castle. The start line is just up from the Red Gate near the College entrance, before you reach the bottom of the Strawberry Hill path. When you reach the crossroads at the top of ‘Aldreds’ turn left towards Gallows Hill then continue along the main path to the River Creed. From there run all the way down to the mouth of the Creed and along the low road to the Golf Club. The finish line will be at the gate just before the Golf Club car park
All of the turnings in the route will be marked with big white flour arrows!
What are the Wacky Races?
The Wacky Races are a series of mostly 5k handicap races that take place in the Castle grounds or streets of Stornoway over the winter. In a handicap race it is possible for anyone to win! With slower runners setting off first and the fastest last the aim is that everyone finishes roughly at the same time. Your start time is based on your best recent 5k, 10k or wacky race times. Points are awarded to everyone depending on what place they finish in each race and at the end of the series the person with the most points will be awarded the hallowed Wacky Race shield. The aim is to have fun, some good banter and try to improve your 5k times!
The races are open to all adults you don’t need to be a SRAC member, some races may be suitable for children. Most races are 5k with a few other distances up to 10k. There will be six races, one per month between October and March.
How to enter
In order to take part please sign up here.
The cost is £2 per race to enter please pay this in cash on the night – extact coinage please!
The Wacky rules are:
- Points are scored depending on your finishing place in each race, 20 points for 1st, 19 for 2nd, 18 for 3rd, and so on. Places 20 and lower in each race score 1 point.
- First time wacky race runners will score 5 points regardless of finishing position.
- A bonus 5 points will be awarded on top of this in each race to the three runners who finish closest to their predicted time.
- 10 bonus points will be awarded to runners who complete all six races. 5 bonus points will be awarded if you complete five.
- The final score for each runner will be the total of their best four race scores, plus the bonus for doing five or six if achieved.
- If you have run six races your two lowest scores will be dropped, if you have run five races your lowest score will be dropped.
Example final score:
(Best four race total 62 points + 10 points for running all six = 72)
Race dates:
Race 1 – Thursday 26th October 2023, 5k castle grounds route
Race 2 – Thursday 30th November 2023, 5k street route
Race 3 – Saturday 16th December 2023, 4.1 or 5.4 mile castle grounds loop options.
Race 4 – Thursday 25th January 2024, 5k street route
Race 5 – Thursday 29th February 2024, 5k street route
Race 6 – Thursday 28th March 2024, 5k castle grounds route
Wacky Race Hall of Fame
2022-23 Dave ‘Doilie’ MacDonald
2021-22 Spike Mcintosh
2020-21 Darrah Mackenzie
2019-20 Sandra Kennedy
2018-19 Laura Maciver
2017-18 Adrienne Stewart
2016-17 Angie ‘Bassman’ Murray
2015-16 Angus ‘Museum’ Murray
2014-15 Angus ‘Museum’ Murray
2013-14 Peter Macinnes
2012-13 Alastair Lockett
2011-12 Jim Bruce
Past series final results